Floating on nothing!

Cool video of a small aluminum foil “ship” floating on “nothing” (thanks Steve!):


Help with that new cool product idea

A very interesting company and some cool concepts they’ve come up with:


Like the replicators on Stargate

Very of interesting video of self-repairing robots at Cornell U.


Inline Search for Internet Explorer

So you tried FireFox, loved it, but found that a lot of eCommerce sites only work with IE.  Next you tried IE7 and though, wow, this has most of what I want from FireFox. One problem; you really miss the search from FireFox.  Well, here’s your answer and it’s FREE:



The Orton Effect

The Orton Effect – very cool looking images

Self-improvment the hacker way

Hack your life for the better

A wonderful optical illusion




Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application – BlogJet. It’s a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here: http://blogjet.com

“Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination.” — Albert Einstein

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